Posts Tagged ‘Marley & Me’


Day 72: Five hours of emails

October 18, 2008

17 October 2008

Yes, that was the bulk of my work day.   I was completing more follow-ups to the Networking Event I attended this week, and then some.  My eyes started to blur after a while.   I’m not a huge fan of sending OR receiving mass emails and impersonal correspondence, so I try to avoid it as much as possible, though I’d be lying if I said I didn’t send out big emails on occasion.

I MAY have cut and pasted a line here and there, but for the most part I typed each one separately, even if some of the verbiage was the same.  It didn’t take long for a few responses to trickle back in, but it was Friday afternoon, so I imagine I’ll get more responses when next week arrives.

As exhausted as I was, THIS MOVIE TRAILER tooooooooooootally made my day.  I hope the link works.  I was laughing so hard I was crying.  People at the coffee shop were staring and pointing, which is fine.  I find laughing out loud healthy and therapeutic.  Let ’em stare with their closed minds and humorless lives!  People who know me understand why this clip affected me as such.  I CAN’T WAIT FOR THIS MOVIE!!  I tried to figure out how to embed the trailer directly into the blog, but it wasn’t working.  I’m decisively non-technical in this respect.  If any blog gurus reading want to enlighten me, I’m willing to learn.

I debated whether I should take the subway into Hollywood to catch a movie, or begin the long bus ride back to West Hills… maybe read a bit before bed.  It was Friday night, though, right?  So of course… I wound up reading.  One of these days, my wild and crazy lifestyle is going to catch up with me.